No Stress Midwest Podcast

No Stress Midwest Podcast Season 5 E9: Dave Geyer (Head Coach: Williamstown HS Boys Soccer)

No Stress Midwest Season 5 Episode 9

It's almost time! The No Stress MidwestPodcast: Coaches Edition is in its final week with 2 episodes left! Episode 9 has another special guest , Dave Geyer joins us from New Jersey. Geyer was my High School coach Jr. & Sr. year way back when (2005 & 2006) so we have known each other for quite a while. When I was wanting to become a coach, I picked his brain a lot during my early years and like all good coaches, took a few things from him to apply to my teams. Since recording this episode Coach Geyer picked up his 200th win as a Head Coach so to be there for his first win and know him through his 200th is a pretty big honor!
Coach Geyer talks about his time as a Head Coach and drops some knowledge on his experiences coaching over the years and what he has learned/how he has adapted his coaching style over the years.
Hope youre as excited as I am for the release of this episode and stay tuned for our season finale Sunday with 2022 Sigi Schmid MLS Coach of the Year, Jim Curtin!

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