No Stress Midwest Podcast

No Stress Midwest Podcast Season 5 E5: Doug McLagan (HS/Club)

No Stress Midwest Season 5 Episode 5

We are at Halftime in Season 5 of The No Stress Midwest Podcast: Coaches Edition, and this week we have not just 1 episode but 2 coming at you! Doug McLagan gets us started and if youve ever been connected to the KC soccer community in the last 30+ years, there is a very high probability that youve heard the name. From playing professionally for the indoor team (KC Comets), winning state cups on the club level, and adding a state title on the high school side, Doug has seen it all and done it all. You see why it was a no brainer to have him on the podcast and talk about his experience and how the landscape has changed over the years. For the better? You gotta listen and hear it from him.

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